Jiayang Wu   |   吴嘉阳

I am a senior undergraduate student at Harbin Institute of Technology , advised by Xiaokun Leng. I am also a research intern at Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence Robotics Lab, co-advised by Yao Su and Hangxin Liu. Recently, I have been accepted into the Ph.D. program in the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, where I will be advised by Professor Songchun Zhu.

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  • 2024.5: 🎉 A paper is accepted by IEEE Robotics and Letters (RA-L)

  • Research Interests

    The long-term goal of my research is to develop an embodied intelligent system that can interact naturally and safely with people in various environments through scene reasoning, task planning, and robust manipulation. My current research interests are as follows:

  • Reinforcement Learning for Humanoid Robot. Achieving highly dynamic and agile actions in complex environment.
  • Optimal control for Humanoid Robot. Kino-dynamics planning based on optimization theory.
  • Long-Horizon Task and Motion Planning. Developing embodied intelligent system that can naturally interact with people in various environment via scene reasoning, planning and manipulation.

  • Publications

    CDM-MPC: An Integrated Dynamic Planning and Control Framework for Bipedal Robots Jumping
    Zhicheng He, Jiayang Wu, Jingwen Zhang, Shibowen Zhang, Yapeng Shi, Hangxin Liu, Lining Sun, Yao Su ✉, Xiaokun Leng ✉,
    Paper / ArXiv / Video
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2024 , Accepted


    Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI)
    Robotics Lab
    2024.01 - Present
    Research Intern
    Advisor: Yao Su
    Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
    School of Computing
    2021.09 - Present
    Undergraduate Student
    Advisor: Prof. Xiaokun Leng


  • Reviewer: IROS 2024, T-ASE, T-MECH, RAL
  • Leader of HIT Intelligent Robot Club